The Parish Council
No community, here or overseas, wants to be faced with problems which lead to them becoming caught in a cycle of degradation and poverty, with a consequent lack of community pride in their area, poor environmental quality and health, high crime and unemployment levels, and multiple inequalities. Our aim is to create a sustainable community – a place where people want to live and work, now and in the future.
From global to local we must all aim to improve the lives of people in our community especially those who might be socially excluded and who experience poor quality of life, including poor local environmental quality and poor access to services such as education, healthcare and transport.
Aims of St Breward Parish Council
- To make our community active, inclusive and safe – fair, tolerant and cohesive with a strong local culture and other shared community activities.
- To be well run - with effective and inclusive participation, representation and leadership.
- Environmentally sensitive - providing places for people to live that are considerate of the environment, well designed and built – featuring a quality built and natural environment.
- Well connected - with good transport services and communication linking people to jobs, schools, health and other services.
- Thriving - with a flourishing and diverse local economy.
- Well served - with public, private, community and voluntary services that are appropriate to people’s needs and accessible to all.
- Fair for everyone - including those in other communities, now and in the future.